A restorative circle is an approach to repairing harm that has been done within a community. In this circle we will create a healing space to invite participants to be in conversation and for us to collectively process the ongoing violence and structural racism impacting Black lives.
We want to emphasize that this is not a presentation, rather an open dialogue for us to be brave and vulnerable while we process.
To learn more about Restorative Justice please visit:studentlife.ucsf.edu/RJP
Please note that our first circle is centered for learners. We will be hosting another workshop on June 24th which will be open to all members of the UCSF community.
Facilitators: Maria Jaochico (Student Rights and Responsibilities) and Melisa Bautista (Multicultural Resource Center)
Zoom provided upon confirmed RSVP here
For more information and accommodations, please contact [email protected] and [email protected].
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